William Edwards Deming
Born in Sioux City, Iowa, in a very poor family. His father, Pardi toffee, a lawyer wrestler, lost a lawsuit in Powell Wyoming forcing the family to move to that city when he was seven Deming. They lived in a humble house where the concern which would be their next meal was part of everyday life, Deming therefore had to start working from eight years in a local hotel. With savings in hand, Deming went to Powell Laramar 17 years, the University of Wyoming, where he graduated in 1921 with a BS in electrical engineering in 1925 he received a master's degree in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Colorado and in 1928 he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Yale in physics where he was employed as a teacher. He later worked for the Department of Agriculture in Washington DC and as a statistical adviser for the Office of the United States Census, Deming discovered during this work on statistical process control created by Walter A. Shewhart who worked at Bell Telephone Laboratories (Bell Labs) for AT & T, which were the basis of his ideas, ideas that go unnoticed in America.
In 1947, General Mac Arthur invited Dr. Deming to assist in the first census in Japan.
In Japan were paying close attention to Shewhart techniques, something that nothing was in the U.S. and as part of reconstruction efforts in Japan sought an expert to teach statistical control. In 1950 the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) invited Deming to Tokyo to give lectures on statistical process control (a man who knew Japan). Between June and August 1950 Deming trains hundreds of engineers, executives and students in statistical process control (SPC) and concepts of quality. His lectures were copied, published and printed in Japanese, sold thousands of copies. The Japanese attempted to pay the copyright, however rejected the offer Deming suggests using the money to create an award for companies that demonstrate exemplary behavior in improving quality. Japanese companies and added funds today, "The Deming Prize" is regarded as number one among the prizes. For this reason the Japanese Deming call "the father of the third industrial revolution". This popularity is just because they showed that when quality is pursued relentlessly, will optimize resources, lower costs and conquer the market going against classical economic theory according to which the economic policies adopted by Japan were a failure.
Deming's greatest contribution to the quality process in Japan is the statistical process control, which is a mathematical language with which managers and operators can understand "what the machines say." Process variations affect the performance of the quality promised.
Today the PDCA cycle is called the "Deming cycle" in his honor, although justice should be called "Shewhart cycle", being the latter who invented it. Later the Americans to see the thrust of Japanese industry recover these concepts that had gone unnoticed in the figure of Deming and his own most gifted classmate, Malcolm Baldrige.
I admire Dr. Deming because of all the contributions I make in the course of his career.
The author was a university professor of texts, consultant and broadcaster of the concept of total quality. His name is associated with the development and growth of Japan after the (Second World War).
also think the 14 core principles for transforming management and business efficiency, in order to be competitive, stay in business and employing
Born in Sioux City, Iowa, in a very poor family. His father, Pardi toffee, a lawyer wrestler, lost a lawsuit in Powell Wyoming forcing the family to move to that city when he was seven Deming. They lived in a humble house where the concern which would be their next meal was part of everyday life, Deming therefore had to start working from eight years in a local hotel. With savings in hand, Deming went to Powell Laramar 17 years, the University of Wyoming, where he graduated in 1921 with a BS in electrical engineering in 1925 he received a master's degree in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Colorado and in 1928 he obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Yale in physics where he was employed as a teacher. He later worked for the Department of Agriculture in Washington DC and as a statistical adviser for the Office of the United States Census, Deming discovered during this work on statistical process control created by Walter A. Shewhart who worked at Bell Telephone Laboratories (Bell Labs) for AT & T, which were the basis of his ideas, ideas that go unnoticed in America.
In 1947, General Mac Arthur invited Dr. Deming to assist in the first census in Japan.
In Japan were paying close attention to Shewhart techniques, something that nothing was in the U.S. and as part of reconstruction efforts in Japan sought an expert to teach statistical control. In 1950 the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) invited Deming to Tokyo to give lectures on statistical process control (a man who knew Japan). Between June and August 1950 Deming trains hundreds of engineers, executives and students in statistical process control (SPC) and concepts of quality. His lectures were copied, published and printed in Japanese, sold thousands of copies. The Japanese attempted to pay the copyright, however rejected the offer Deming suggests using the money to create an award for companies that demonstrate exemplary behavior in improving quality. Japanese companies and added funds today, "The Deming Prize" is regarded as number one among the prizes. For this reason the Japanese Deming call "the father of the third industrial revolution". This popularity is just because they showed that when quality is pursued relentlessly, will optimize resources, lower costs and conquer the market going against classical economic theory according to which the economic policies adopted by Japan were a failure.
Deming's greatest contribution to the quality process in Japan is the statistical process control, which is a mathematical language with which managers and operators can understand "what the machines say." Process variations affect the performance of the quality promised.
Today the PDCA cycle is called the "Deming cycle" in his honor, although justice should be called "Shewhart cycle", being the latter who invented it. Later the Americans to see the thrust of Japanese industry recover these concepts that had gone unnoticed in the figure of Deming and his own most gifted classmate, Malcolm Baldrige.
I admire Dr. Deming because of all the contributions I make in the course of his career.
The author was a university professor of texts, consultant and broadcaster of the concept of total quality. His name is associated with the development and growth of Japan after the (Second World War).
also think the 14 core principles for transforming management and business efficiency, in order to be competitive, stay in business and employing